Live Steaming - Salt Lake Tracks '97
For the first time ever, in conjunction with the National
Railway Historical Society's national convention (sponsored by
the Promontory chapter, NRHS)
The Salt Lake Trackers Model Railroad Club, Inc. proudly
Salt Lake Tracks '97
- A live steam meet featuring Gauge 1, 2½,
3½, 7½, 12 and 15 inch gauge steam locomotives, steam
tractors, steam donkey pumps and other steam memorabilia.
- A model railroad show featuring many
outstanding model railroad modular layouts, deals in
model railroad locomotives, rolling stock, scenery,
structures and supplies
- A railroadiana show featuring many and
varied dealers with all aspects of railroadiana, railroad
memoribilia, books, paintings and collectables
- Food by Gretta at Deli Way
Thursday, June 26
Friday, June 27
- 10 am - 4 pm - Conventioneers only
- 4 pm - 8 pm - Conventioneers and public
- 8 pm - ?? - Vendors and displayers only
- Dinner at 8:15 then vendors and displayers run/ride
trains especially the live steam engines) until nobody
wants to run trains anymore
Saturday, June 28
- 10 am - 6 pm - Conventioneers and public
At the Hellenic Memorial Cultural Center
279 South 300 West, Salt Lake City, Utah
Send reservations to:
Salt Lake Tracks '97
C/O Stan Jennings
5412 Colter Drive
Kearns, Utah 84118
801-967-0999 (home) 801-536-4553 (work 10 pm - 6 am)
Other events planned in association with, or as part of, the
convention include:
- a multi-day pre-convention trip from Denver to Salt Lake
City behind Union Pacific's 844
- a full day on the Heber Valley Railroad
- a full day on the Nevada Northern Railroad (a maximum of
200 participants)
- a circle trip from Salt Lake City to Lyndel and return
behind Union Pacific's E-units
- a round trip from Salt Lake City to Cache Junction with
Union Pacific's 844
- a day's tour of the Utah State Railroad Museum in Ogden
and the Golden Spike National Historic Site
- tours of the Silver King Mine in Park City
- and other local attractions.
Live Steaming home page