The track of the Cinder Sniffers of Greater Cincinnati (Ohio) is located in southeast Indiana, about thirty miles from downtown Cincinnati, on three scenic acres of rolling, wooded land. The 2500' track includes a 28' long covered bridge and a 17' high, 100' long curved trestle through the treetops. Almost all of the line is in the shade. Ruling grade is 2.5%. It is a four rail track with frogless stub switches, and can accommodate 3.5", 4.75", and both 7.25" and 7.5" gauge equipment. Unloading is by hydraulic lift, accessed by driving under the covered bridge (9'-0" head clearance for vans and trailers!!). The steaming bays furnish electricity and water, and a portable compressor is available for air. Turntable length is 9'-0". The track was built in the 1960's when small engines were the norm, so the minimum radius on the old loop is 40'. The new loop is 60' radius, but a train must go through a 45' radius yard switch to get to the new loop.
All forms of motive power are welcome. Run days are published in both LIVE STEAM and MODELTEC. For further information, contact:
Corresponding Secretary Ralph Payne
3750 Starlite Court
Cincinnati, Ohio 45248(513) 574-8338
Or President Vincent Bradley at