Photos at the BCSME's Burnaby Central Railway at Rainbow Creek


bach.jpg (54KB) - Activity near the passenger platform of the Britsh Columbia Society of Model Engineers' Rainbow Creek Station.

bernie.jpg (54KB) - Bernie and his Mikado at the BCSME's "Burnaby Central Railway" in Confederation Park.

bruce.jpg (52KB) - Bruce Wilson at the BCSME operating a club-owned 0-4-4 Wren

dwatt.jpg (50KB) - Dave Watt from New Zealand operates Lindsay McDonnel's Britannia at the BCSME track

eallen.jpg (50KB) - Ernie Allen and his sweet coal burning 4-4-4 Jubilee

jerryb.jpg (124KB) - #.

mallet.jpg (38KB) - #.

riches.jpg (44KB) - #.

station.jpg (138KB) - #.

wendy.jpg (123KB) - #.

workers.jpg (107KB) - Gerard Belle took this during our construction phase in 1992 (1993?)